Monday, November 14, 2011

10 days, 10 posts

SO I am a bad blogger and my friend Helen has started a hilarious blog and she is following a 10 day program to start her off, and since I am bad at blogging I am going to try to do the 10 day thing as well. But I am going to try to make it art related...since this is my Art Goddess Blog :)

This is how it’s gonna go:
Day 1 = 10 secrets
Day 2 = 9 loves
Day 3 = 8 fears
Day 4 = 7 wants
Day 5 = 6 places
Day 6 = 5 foods
Day 7 = 4 books
Day 8 = 3 films
Day 9 = 2 songs
                                                        Day 10 = 1 picture

Day 1- 10 secrets 

1.) I can't draw hands and feet well. In fact, I HATE drawing them- when I had live models in class I struggled with the lower legs and feet- so most of the time I concentrated on the faces and upper body. I am really good at faces thanks to that, but I wish that I had pushed myself more to get better at those pesky hands and feet. 

2.) I am left handed but I use my right when I paint quite frequently. They often say that lefties are more artistic, and I am glad that I am left handed- except for those stupid lefty scissors in grade school- those did NOT work for me haha. In fact, I draw and eat with my left hand, BUT I brush my hair, brush my teeth, cut veggies, and bowl/throw right handed. When I am painting or drawing I often get my right hand into it with smudging, etc. But am I in my right mind?

3.) I can't wait to post art and get comments from friends and strangers alike...who doesnt like a compliment now and then, right? right? It makes me feel awesome, and better than the next guy/gal.

4.) I feel that I AM better than a lot of shitty artists that get into awesome galleries.

5.) I am too lazy to get my shit together sometimes to try and get into said galleries. Fear of rejection maybe?

6.) I sometimes wish that I had gone to New York for school...not that location makes you move successful, but sometimes it does- I almost went to Pratt for Art Therapy but opted out because I was dating a cheating loser and wanted to stay closer to home so I could drive to see him every weekend because he didnt have a that was a successful choice.

7.) I avoid my old Art Ed advisor when she comes into Whole Foods because I'm sometimes ashamed that I am working in a grocery store and not teaching like I once planned on doing (still glad that I chose not to do that)....

8.) I know my art is worth more that I charge most's hard when a lot of your clients are your friends and co-workers. I need to charge more, because I sure as hell spend wayyyy too many hours on pieces for what I get.

9.) I do not like to have people watch me while I am drawing/painting- not good under pressure and being a perfectionist makes me cringe when people see my work in the rough stages.

10.) I wish I could open a food establishment and hang my art all over the walls for people to buy. :) Pizzart, i just came up with that one lol- cause I am the Van Gogh of Dough <3

1 comment:

  1. YAY a new post! that 10 day challenge really did get me into the habit of posting all the time, I loved it
